Dance lessons for teenagers are, above all, a great choice for active recreation among peers. It is a perfect way of relieving all the stress connected with school as well as an opportunity to meet new friends and improve one’s fitness level – all done in a friendly atmosphere. This form of lessons is a great source of joy and at the same time teaches everyone how to listen to each other. Moreover, learning ballroom dances helps in making friends or finding partners – we all know that dance is a play of senses, especially when accompanied by sensual music.
Undoubtedly, dance is much more than just a sophisticated form of art or a spectacular sport. It also enhances interpersonal skills of a teenager and opens them (also the shy ones) to relations with other people. The contact with music also has a beneficial effect on the psyche. Dance and music cause the child or a teenager to develop creativity, opening to the world and positively reacting to art, also in its other forms.
Ballroom dance courses include 10 dances coming from two main dance styles: standard and Latin American dances.
During the classes teenagers learn how to move on the dance floor and how to better control their bodies to make their dancing easier and lighter and to make them feel more confident during dancing events or dancesport shows and competitions. The classes, taught according to our own programme which was developed based on the World Dance Programme, our knowledge and experience gained during dance teacher conferences, dancing competitions and shows, will easily enable anyone to grasp all the dance knowledge and skills and introduce young people into the world of social etiquette and conventions.
Dancing teaches perseverance and persistence. The lessons prove that it takes a lot of effort to achieve something. Reaching the set goals (e.g. learning new steps), words of appreciation from the teacher or successful public performances raise the self-esteem of a young person. Dancing also teaches how to achieve success and how to cope with failures.
All year long the teenagers are able to freely pursue their interests, hobbies and talents in a friendly atmosphere, while having great fun under the watchful eyes of Cezar & Katerina – professional dancers, teachers and pedagogues. This will enable them to gain many benefits for their bodies and soul.